> Don't Wait Till It's Too Late
0458 175 509
About Us
More than 20 Years of Experience
50,000 + Patients
Friendly and Caring Team
Dr Smagarinsky Was Recently Featured on Channel 7
We are a highly experienced team of health care professionals
dedicated to the early detection, diagnosis and treatment
of skin cancer and melanoma. We are the longest
established skin cancer clinic in the Northwest.
Dr Albert Smagarinsky has more than 20 years experience in treating skin cancer, as well as training and supervising other doctors. Dr Smagarinsky was the Medical Director and Chief clinical instructor at the Rural Skin Cancer Service (NSW) from 2000 till 2011. He has been awarded the Advanced Certificate in Skin Cancer by the Australiasian College of Dermatologists and holds a Masters degree in Skin Cancer Medicine and was a Lecturer at the University of Queensland School of Medicine.
More than 50,000 patients have been treated at our clinics since being established 20 years ago. Our passion for rural health care and an understanding of the needs of rural patients drives us to provide and expand this much needed service in regional areas.
You and your loved ones are advised to check your skin in ANY of the following circumstances:
Annual screening examination for a piece of mind
You have noticed a new spot or changes in an old spot
You have a sore that won't heal
High risk profile - many moles, fair or freckly skin, recreational or occupational sun exposure, severe or repeated sun burns in childhood, personal history of pre-cancers or cancers, family history of melanoma
GP referral is not required.

Our Services
Biopsy of Spots
Skin Cancer Removal
Mole / Spot Removal
Spot Checks
Full Body Examination
Topical Treatments
Surgical excision of skin malignancies
Please be assured that procedures are done under local anaesthesia to minimize any discomfort.